The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Emerged during the reign of King Tar-Atanamir in Númenor (II 2029 - II 2251);1 Númenor was destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
Followers of the Kings descended from the House of Elros
The seat of the Kings of Númenor was at Armenelos
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 March 2020
  • Updates planned: 1

King’s Men

The party of the later Kings of Númenor

That party of the Númenóreans, the greater part, who followed the policies of Tar-Ancalimon and his successors to build the pride and wealth of Númenor in defiance of the Valar and the Eldar.



We don't have an exact date for the point when these people first started referring to themselves as the 'King's Men'. It was during the reign of Tar-Atanamir that a faction of the Númenóreans first began to turn against the Eldar and the Valar, and this was clearly the beginning of the movement. The name 'King's Men', however, is not formally recorded until the time of Tar-Atanamir's successor, Tar-Ancalimon, who ruled from II 2251 to II 2386. All we can say for sure is that the King's Men emerged at some point during the reigns of these two Kings, and that they definitely existed at the time of Tar-Ancalimon's death in II 2386.

Just as for their beginning, we have no specific date on which the King's Men ceased their activities. The last we specifically hear about them is during the reign of Tar-Palantir (II 3177 - II 3255), to whom they were implacably opposed. After Tar-Palantir's death, the throne of Númenor was usurped by Ar-Pharazôn, who entirely shared the convictions of the King's Men. At this point, with the Ruler of Númenor acting exactly as they would wish, there was little purpose in the King's Men continuing their activities, so it is unsurprising that we have no mention of them during Ar-Pharazôn's rule. It is certain that there were no more King's Men after II 3319, the year in which Ar-Pharazôn took the philosophy of the King's Men to its extreme conclusion and attempted to invade Aman, bringing about the Downfall of Númenor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 March 2020
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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King’s Men

The party of the later Kings of Númenor

Emerged during the reign of King Tar-Atanamir in Númenor (II 2029 - II 2251);1 Númenor was destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
Followers of the Kings descended from the House of Elros
The seat of the Kings of Númenor was at Armenelos
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 March 2020
  • Updates planned: 1

King’s Men

The party of the later Kings of Númenor

That party of the Númenóreans, the greater part, who followed the policies of Tar-Ancalimon and his successors to build the pride and wealth of Númenor in defiance of the Valar and the Eldar.



We don't have an exact date for the point when these people first started referring to themselves as the 'King's Men'. It was during the reign of Tar-Atanamir that a faction of the Númenóreans first began to turn against the Eldar and the Valar, and this was clearly the beginning of the movement. The name 'King's Men', however, is not formally recorded until the time of Tar-Atanamir's successor, Tar-Ancalimon, who ruled from II 2251 to II 2386. All we can say for sure is that the King's Men emerged at some point during the reigns of these two Kings, and that they definitely existed at the time of Tar-Ancalimon's death in II 2386.

Just as for their beginning, we have no specific date on which the King's Men ceased their activities. The last we specifically hear about them is during the reign of Tar-Palantir (II 3177 - II 3255), to whom they were implacably opposed. After Tar-Palantir's death, the throne of Númenor was usurped by Ar-Pharazôn, who entirely shared the convictions of the King's Men. At this point, with the Ruler of Númenor acting exactly as they would wish, there was little purpose in the King's Men continuing their activities, so it is unsurprising that we have no mention of them during Ar-Pharazôn's rule. It is certain that there were no more King's Men after II 3319, the year in which Ar-Pharazôn took the philosophy of the King's Men to its extreme conclusion and attempted to invade Aman, bringing about the Downfall of Númenor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 March 2020
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2020. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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