The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Probably created soon after Númenor's founding in II 32;1 destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
The precincts of the King of Númenor in Armenelos


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

King’s Court

The courts of the Kings of Númenor

The courts of the Kings of Númenor in Armenelos. The King's Court was best known as the place where Nimloth grew, a White Tree that was a seedling of Celeborn of Eressëa, which was said to fill the night airs with its fragrance. In Númenor's later history, when Sauron had corrupted its King and most of its people, a guard was put over the Court, and the White Tree was set to be destroyed. Isildur broke past the guards and rescued a fruit of Nimloth, and that fruit gave rise to the line of White Trees that grew in Minas Tirith during the Third Age.



Strictly, the only specific reference to the King's Court is late in the Second Age, when the young Isildur entered it to recover a fruit from the doomed White Tree Nimloth. However, the tree dated back to the earliest days of Númenor, and it's strongly implied that it had been standing in the King's Court throughout its lifetime. If this is correct, then it implies in turn that the court itself dated back to the beginnings of Númenor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

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King’s Court

The courts of the Kings of Númenor

Probably created soon after Númenor's founding in II 32;1 destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
The precincts of the King of Númenor in Armenelos


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

King’s Court

The courts of the Kings of Númenor

The courts of the Kings of Númenor in Armenelos. The King's Court was best known as the place where Nimloth grew, a White Tree that was a seedling of Celeborn of Eressëa, which was said to fill the night airs with its fragrance. In Númenor's later history, when Sauron had corrupted its King and most of its people, a guard was put over the Court, and the White Tree was set to be destroyed. Isildur broke past the guards and rescued a fruit of Nimloth, and that fruit gave rise to the line of White Trees that grew in Minas Tirith during the Third Age.



Strictly, the only specific reference to the King's Court is late in the Second Age, when the young Isildur entered it to recover a fruit from the doomed White Tree Nimloth. However, the tree dated back to the earliest days of Númenor, and it's strongly implied that it had been standing in the King's Court throughout its lifetime. If this is correct, then it implies in turn that the court itself dated back to the beginnings of Númenor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2016
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2009, 2016. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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