The river of western Middle-earth, also called the Greyflood, that divided the regions of Enedwaith and Minhiriath. It flowed southwestwards to meet the Great Sea at Lond Daer.
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The 'shadowy' element comes from the time of the Gwathló's original naming in the Second Age, when it was overhung by deep forests on both sides, and thus shaded by tall trees. These forests were later felled, so that at the end of the Third Age, the once overshadowed river actually ran through an all but treeless plain.
See also...
Agathurush, Battle of the Gwathló, Bridge of Tharbad, Cardolan, Dúnedain of Cardolan, Eryn Vorn, Gate-stream, Great Fens, Great Haven, Great Middle Haven, Kingdoms of the Dúnedain, Lond Daer, Lond Daer Enedh, New Haven, Nîn-in-Eilph, [See the full list...]North Road, Prince of Cardolan, River Baranduin, River Bruinen, River Greyflood, River Gwathir, River Hoarwell, River Mitheithel, Sirannon, Tharbad, Turuphanto, Two Kingdoms, Uinendili, Vinyalondë, Waterlands of the Swans
About this entry:
- Updated 19 December 2009
- Updates planned: 1
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