The descent of the House of Durin, showing all known Heirs of Durin the Deathless and their lines of descent. Note that the existence of Durin II, IV and V are inferred, but we have no specific details about those Heirs.
A title given to the rulers of the Longbeards, who were descended in direct line from Durin the Deathless, eldest of all Dwarves. Durin was the founder of Khazad-dûm, and his Heirs were its Kings through many generations. Periodically, one of these Dwarves would be born who bore a powerful resemblance to the original Durin; these Heirs - said by some to have been Durin the Deathless reborn - also bore the name Durin. It was in the time of Durin VI that the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm awoke a Balrog, forcing them to abandon their ancient home, though some accounts claim that his descendant, Durin VII, eventually succeeded in reclaiming Khazad-dûm for Durin's Folk.
For a detailed list of Durin's Heirs as Kings of his Folk the Longbeards, see the entry for King of Durin's Folk.
About this entry:
- Updated 1 December 2024
- This entry is complete
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