The descent of the major branches of the race of Men, the Aftercomers. Note that, while the Drúedain and Hobbits are established as belonging to branches of the race of Men, and must therefore have descended from the first people to have awoken in Hildórien, the precise details of their descent remain unknown.
The descent of the Northmen was rather more involved than this simple diagram can show. For more on this subject, see the entry for 'Northmen'.
One of the many names for the race of Men, who awoke long after the Elves, the Firstborn. 'Aftercomers' is a translation of the Elvish name Hildor, a word also seen in the name Hildórien, the Land of the Hildor, the eastern region where the first Men awoke into the world.
About this entry:
- Updated 8 July 2016
- This entry is complete
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