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The Wood itself dated back to ancient times, but it was named 'Wood of Greenleaves' (Eryn Lasgalen) on 6 April (the Elves' New Year) III 3019
Rhovanion, to the east of the Vales of Anduin
The Elves in the northern and southern regions were Silvan Elves
The Elves belonged to the Galadhrim (in the south) and Wood-elves (in the north); the central parts of the forest were inhabited by Men, specifically Beornings and Woodmen
The Elvenking's Halls and various settlements of Woodmen especially along the forest's western edge
The Enchanted River rose in the Mountains of Mirkwood
Important peaks
Other names
Eryn Galen, Eryn Lasgalen, The Forest, Forest of the Great Fear, Forest under Nightshade, The Great Wood, Greenwood the Great, Mirkwood, Taur e-Ndaedelos, Taur-nu-Fuin, The Wood
Wood of GreenleavesEryn Lasgalen![]() Map of the Wood of Greenleaves, showing the divisions established by Celeborn and Thranduil after the War of the Ring Map of the Wood of Greenleaves, showing the divisions established by Celeborn and Thranduil after the War of the Ring In ancient times, the great central forest of Middle-earth had been known as Eryn Galen, Greenwood the Great, but during the Third Age a Shadow and a blight grew under its trees. This darkness grew out of Dol Guldur, the seat of the Necromancer in the south of the forest, and caused its name to be changed to the more familiar 'Mirkwood'. This Shadow lasted for nearly two thousand years, gradually spreading through the trees to encompass almost the entire great wood. During the War of the Ring, the emissaries of Sauron were finally driven out from Dol Guldur, and the old Greenwood was cleansed of their influence. At this time Celeborn of Lórien met with Thranduil of the Woodland Realm, and they chose a new name for the Forest. This was Eryn Lasgalen, recalling the old name of Eryn Galen, and translated from the Elvish as the 'Wood of Greenleaves'. Notes
See also...Dark Mountains, Emyn-nu-Fuin, Eryn Galen, Eryn Lasgalen, Silvan Elves For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2015, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.The powerful, accurate, cost-effective DISC personality test developed and improved for 31 years. |