The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Emerged after the first rising of the Sun in I 11
Originally widespread, with populations in Beleriand and Númenor; by the end of the Third Age, they were apparently restricted to the Drúadan Forest and Drúwaith Iaur
Other names


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  • Updated 5 April 2021
  • This entry is complete

Wild Men of the Woods

A name for the Drúedain in Rohan

At the end of the Third Age, a remnant of the Drúedain still lived beneath the feet of the White Mountains, and in the lands westward. Theirs was a strange and ancient race of Men, with an unusual affinity with nature, and unique powers. The Northmen who settled in Rohan, though, knew nothing of their ancestry and imagined them to be hardly more than beasts, at least until the time of the War of the Ring. For this reason the Rohirrim called them the Wild Men of the Woods.

For a genealogical chart of this people, see the entry for Drúedain.



The Wild Men of the Woods were, of course, a branch of the race of Men, so they cannot have predated the first people of that race who awoke as the Sun rose for the first time in I 1. Given their distinctive nature, the ancestors of the Wild Men must surely have split from other Men relatively early. Indeed, we have records of these people living among the Men of Brethil, just a few centuries after the first Men awoke, so the differences between the Drúedain and other Men must have emerged very early in their history.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 April 2021
  • This entry is complete

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