The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Thengel ruled Rohan between III 2953 and III 2980 (27 years); his son Théoden died in III 3019
'Descendants of Thengel'1
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  • Updated 31 August 2018
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Those who followed Thengel

"There Théoden fell, Thengling mighty..."
from the Song of the Mounds of Mundburg
The Return of the King V 6
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Properly, a title or surname that could be used for any of the descendants or followers of Thengel, the sixteenth King of Rohan. It was equivalent in that sense to 'Eorlings' for all the Men of Rohan, or 'Helmingas' for the defenders of Helm's Deep. In the Song of the Mounds of Mundburg, though, it is used in a much more specific sense for Théoden, where it emphasises that the slain King was not merely a descendant of Thengel, but his son and direct heir.



The Old English '-ling' was a broad nominal suffix, and so taken strictly literally a 'Thengling' could refer to anyone with a connection to Thengel. In the context of the Kings of Rohan, this word ending usually means 'descendant' or 'follower', but in this particular case it can be taken as specifically as 'son'. 'Thengling' in fact has a double meaning: because the name 'Thengel' meant 'King', then 'Thengling' could also be interpreted as the 'son of the King' or 'heir of the King'.


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 August 2018
  • This entry is complete

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Those who followed Thengel

Thengel ruled Rohan between III 2953 and III 2980 (27 years); his son Théoden died in III 3019
'Descendants of Thengel'1
Title of


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 August 2018
  • This entry is complete


Those who followed Thengel

"There Théoden fell, Thengling mighty..."
from the Song of the Mounds of Mundburg
The Return of the King V 6
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Properly, a title or surname that could be used for any of the descendants or followers of Thengel, the sixteenth King of Rohan. It was equivalent in that sense to 'Eorlings' for all the Men of Rohan, or 'Helmingas' for the defenders of Helm's Deep. In the Song of the Mounds of Mundburg, though, it is used in a much more specific sense for Théoden, where it emphasises that the slain King was not merely a descendant of Thengel, but his son and direct heir.



The Old English '-ling' was a broad nominal suffix, and so taken strictly literally a 'Thengling' could refer to anyone with a connection to Thengel. In the context of the Kings of Rohan, this word ending usually means 'descendant' or 'follower', but in this particular case it can be taken as specifically as 'son'. 'Thengling' in fact has a double meaning: because the name 'Thengel' meant 'King', then 'Thengling' could also be interpreted as the 'son of the King' or 'heir of the King'.


About this entry:

  • Updated 31 August 2018
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2008, 2018. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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