About this entry:
- Updated 10 February 2003
- Updates planned: 8
The great coomb, and the caverns behind it, that lay in the northern valleys of the White Mountains. Helm, King of Rohan, took refuge here with his people in the time of the invasion of Rohan by the Dunlendings.
See also...
Aglarond, Aragorn Elessar, Battle of the Hornburg, Battles of the Fords of Isen, Captain of the Kings Household, Caverns of Helms Deep, Ceorl, Combe, Deeping Wall, Deeping-coomb, Deeping-road, Deeping-stream, Firefoot, Forgoil, Fréaláf Hildeson, [See the full list...]Gamling, Glǣmscrafu, Glittering Caves, Great West Road, Grimslade, Haleth, Háma, Helmingas, Helms Dike, Helms Gate, Hornburg, Hornrock, Horsemen of Rohan, Horses, King of Rohan, Meduseld, Mound of the Riders, Muster of Westfold, Orcs of the White Hand, Ponies, Riders of West-mark, Robbers of the North, Second Marshal of the Riddermark, Shadow of the Wood, Súthburg, The Courts, The Deeping, The Old, The Rock, Thenglings, Thrihyrne, Tree-herds, Uruk-hai, West-march of Rohan, West-mark, Westemnet, Westfold, Westfold Vale, Westfold-men, Westfolders, White Mountains
About this entry:
- Updated 10 February 2003
- Updates planned: 8
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