A small stream that rose in the high wooded hills of West Beleriand known as the High Faroth. The stream flowed for only a short distance eastward before it reached the great gorge cut in those hills by the River Narog, and there its waters fell from the heights to join Narog's long southward journey.
The point where Ringwil fell down into the gorge was a secret and easily-defended place, and long ago the Petty-dwarves had hollowed out halls there, which they named Nulukkizdîn in their tongue. Later Finrod Felagund came there, and with the aid of the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains, carved out the great hidden citadel of Nargothrond.
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The first element of Ringwil's name, ring-, is definitely established as meaning 'cold', but the intention behind its ending -wil is unclear. There is an Elvish root wil, but this means to 'fly' or 'float', and so does not seem relevant to a stream except perhaps in the most metaphorical sense. Alternatively, there may be a connection to wig, 'foam', and indeed the waters of the stream are explicitly described as foaming.
About this entry:
- Updated 5 October 2020
- This entry is complete
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