The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Baggins family was particularly associated with the region around Hobbiton
Ponto is pronounced 'po'nto'
There were two Hobbits who shared this name; this Ponto Baggins, son of Balbo Baggins, is not to be confused with his great-grandson, also called Ponto Baggins, who was the son of Posco Baggins


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 September 2021
  • This entry is complete

Ponto Baggins

Balbo Baggins’ second son

One of the five children of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin, belonging to the earliest recorded generations of the Baggins family. Ponto was Balbo's third child and second son, after his elder brother Mungo and sister Pansy. He married Mimosa Bunce, and the couple had two children. One of these, Rosa, married into the Took family, and through her, Ponto was an ancestor of both Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. Ponto's second child Polo was ancestor to many generations of Bagginses, including one - Ponto's great-grandson - who was named after Ponto himself.

Ponto lived for ninety-five years, until the Shire-year 1311 (III 2911) when the Fell Winter descended on the Shire, and the Hobbits suffered terribly. It is possible that Ponto fell victim to the deprivations caused by this winter, though he was already old at this time, and so the date of his death may be no more than coincidence.

As Ponto had not been the eldest of Balbo Baggins' sons, he had seen the headship of the Baggins family pass to his elder brother Mungo, and so on down through Mungo's line, eventually reaching Mungo's grandson Bilbo Baggins. (Bilbo would have briefly known his great-uncle Ponto, and would have been twenty-one years old when the Fell Winter descended.) After the War of the Ring, long after Ponto's time, Bilbo departed across the Great Sea. Bilbo had been childless, and his adopted heir Frodo had accompanied him into the West, and so the direct line of the Baggins headship came to an end. As the second son of the patriarch Balbo Baggins, at this time the line would have followed Ponto's descendants, falling in fact on the great-grandson, the second Ponto Baggins, who happened to share his name.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 September 2021
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Ponto Baggins

Balbo Baggins’ second son

The Baggins family was particularly associated with the region around Hobbiton
Ponto is pronounced 'po'nto'
There were two Hobbits who shared this name; this Ponto Baggins, son of Balbo Baggins, is not to be confused with his great-grandson, also called Ponto Baggins, who was the son of Posco Baggins


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 September 2021
  • This entry is complete

Ponto Baggins

Balbo Baggins’ second son

One of the five children of Balbo Baggins and Berylla Boffin, belonging to the earliest recorded generations of the Baggins family. Ponto was Balbo's third child and second son, after his elder brother Mungo and sister Pansy. He married Mimosa Bunce, and the couple had two children. One of these, Rosa, married into the Took family, and through her, Ponto was an ancestor of both Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck. Ponto's second child Polo was ancestor to many generations of Bagginses, including one - Ponto's great-grandson - who was named after Ponto himself.

Ponto lived for ninety-five years, until the Shire-year 1311 (III 2911) when the Fell Winter descended on the Shire, and the Hobbits suffered terribly. It is possible that Ponto fell victim to the deprivations caused by this winter, though he was already old at this time, and so the date of his death may be no more than coincidence.

As Ponto had not been the eldest of Balbo Baggins' sons, he had seen the headship of the Baggins family pass to his elder brother Mungo, and so on down through Mungo's line, eventually reaching Mungo's grandson Bilbo Baggins. (Bilbo would have briefly known his great-uncle Ponto, and would have been twenty-one years old when the Fell Winter descended.) After the War of the Ring, long after Ponto's time, Bilbo departed across the Great Sea. Bilbo had been childless, and his adopted heir Frodo had accompanied him into the West, and so the direct line of the Baggins headship came to an end. As the second son of the patriarch Balbo Baggins, at this time the line would have followed Ponto's descendants, falling in fact on the great-grandson, the second Ponto Baggins, who happened to share his name.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 September 2021
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2004, 2017, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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