The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Perhaps dated back to the planting of the first White Tree in III 2, though the Place of the Fountain may have been made as late as III 2698;1 survived into the Fourth Age
Beneath the White Tower in the Citadel on the highest tier of Minas Tirith
Gondor was originally ruled by Kings of the House of Elendil, and later by Stewards of the House of Húrin
Minas Tirith, formerly known as Minas Anor
Named for the fountain that played beside the White Tree in the Court beneath the White Tower
Other names
Court of the Fountain; the Place of the Fountain lay within the High Court of the Citadel
There was also a quite distinct 'Place of the Fountain' in the city of Gondolin, which was destroyed long before Minas Tirith was built


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

Place of the Fountain

The lawn of the High Court of the Citadel of Gondor

An open space on the topmost level of Minas Tirith, standing before the doors of the White Tower, which loomed above the Place of the Fountain by some ninety metres (or three hundred feet). Also called the Court of the Fountain, this space was paved with white stone, except for a green lawn in its centre that contained a pool and playing fountain. This courtyard lay before the seat of the Kings and Stewards of Gondor, and the Place of the Fountain was patrolled by the Guards of the Citadel, liveried in black and silver, and bearing winged helmets.

In earlier times, the lawn beside fountain pool had been the place where the White Tree of Minas Tirith grew, though by the time of the War of the Ring that White Tree was long dead. With no new sapling to replace it, the withered remains of the old tree, a precious symbol to the Dúnedain, had been left standing as the stark Dead Tree. After the War of the Ring and the accession of King Elessar, nearly a hundred and fifty years after the old White Tree had died, a new seedling was found. It was planted beside the pool in the Place of the Fountain, re-establishing a tradition that dated back to the founding of the realm.



The first White Tree of Minas Tirith (or of Minas Anor, as it was then known) was planted there by Isildur after the War of the Last Alliance in III 2. There was therefore a place in the city where the White Tree grew from the earliest years of the Third Age. Whether that place could be called a Place of the Fountain as it appeared in later times is doubtful, however, because the City and its Citadel underwent several major changes across the history of the Third Age.

King Ostoher rebuilt the entire city in III 420, but at that time there was no White Tower (and so the Place of the Fountain before the Tower's doors cannot yet have had the form seen in later years). The White Tower was built in III 1900 by King Calimehtar, and this is the earliest realistic date that the Place of the Fountain might have appeared, at least as it was seen during the War of the Ring). Steward Ecthelion I then rebuilt the White Tower in III 2698, so the creation of the final Place of the Fountain might be as late as that date, some 321 years before the War of the Ring.

See also...

Seventh Gate


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Place of the Fountain

The lawn of the High Court of the Citadel of Gondor

Perhaps dated back to the planting of the first White Tree in III 2, though the Place of the Fountain may have been made as late as III 2698;1 survived into the Fourth Age
Beneath the White Tower in the Citadel on the highest tier of Minas Tirith
Gondor was originally ruled by Kings of the House of Elendil, and later by Stewards of the House of Húrin
Minas Tirith, formerly known as Minas Anor
Named for the fountain that played beside the White Tree in the Court beneath the White Tower
Other names
Court of the Fountain; the Place of the Fountain lay within the High Court of the Citadel
There was also a quite distinct 'Place of the Fountain' in the city of Gondolin, which was destroyed long before Minas Tirith was built


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

Place of the Fountain

The lawn of the High Court of the Citadel of Gondor

An open space on the topmost level of Minas Tirith, standing before the doors of the White Tower, which loomed above the Place of the Fountain by some ninety metres (or three hundred feet). Also called the Court of the Fountain, this space was paved with white stone, except for a green lawn in its centre that contained a pool and playing fountain. This courtyard lay before the seat of the Kings and Stewards of Gondor, and the Place of the Fountain was patrolled by the Guards of the Citadel, liveried in black and silver, and bearing winged helmets.

In earlier times, the lawn beside fountain pool had been the place where the White Tree of Minas Tirith grew, though by the time of the War of the Ring that White Tree was long dead. With no new sapling to replace it, the withered remains of the old tree, a precious symbol to the Dúnedain, had been left standing as the stark Dead Tree. After the War of the Ring and the accession of King Elessar, nearly a hundred and fifty years after the old White Tree had died, a new seedling was found. It was planted beside the pool in the Place of the Fountain, re-establishing a tradition that dated back to the founding of the realm.



The first White Tree of Minas Tirith (or of Minas Anor, as it was then known) was planted there by Isildur after the War of the Last Alliance in III 2. There was therefore a place in the city where the White Tree grew from the earliest years of the Third Age. Whether that place could be called a Place of the Fountain as it appeared in later times is doubtful, however, because the City and its Citadel underwent several major changes across the history of the Third Age.

King Ostoher rebuilt the entire city in III 420, but at that time there was no White Tower (and so the Place of the Fountain before the Tower's doors cannot yet have had the form seen in later years). The White Tower was built in III 1900 by King Calimehtar, and this is the earliest realistic date that the Place of the Fountain might have appeared, at least as it was seen during the War of the Ring). Steward Ecthelion I then rebuilt the White Tower in III 2698, so the creation of the final Place of the Fountain might be as late as that date, some 321 years before the War of the Ring.

See also...

Seventh Gate


About this entry:

  • Updated 7 December 2024
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2023-2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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