Tar-Elendil of Númenor had three children, of whom only the youngest was a son. That son's name was Írimon, but his love of the skies and star-lore meant that he became known by the title Meneldur, meaning 'devoted to the heavens'. Meneldur even built a watchtower in the highland regions of the Forostar to follow the stars. When he succeeded his father as King, he retained his title, but in the royal form Tar-Meneldur.
Meneldur had a son of his own, Aldarion, who was quite unlike his father in many ways. Where Meneldur pondered the heavens, Aldarion was a man of action, who voyaged far and wide from the shores of Númenor, becoming a friend and ally of Gil-galad in Lindon. When the threat of Sauron grew in Middle-earth, Gil-galad sought aid from the King of Númenor. The wise King Tar-Meneldur saw that the times ahead called for Aldarion's abilities rather than his own, and gave up the Sceptre to his son.
See also...
Almiel, Anardil, Anardil, Atarinya, Captain of the Kings Ships, Elatan, Father of the Isle, Guildhouse of the Venturers, Hatholdir, House of Elros, Írimon, King of Númenor, Onya, Orchaldor, Star-watcher, [See the full list...]Valandil of Númenor
About this entry:
- Updated 16 July 2013
- This entry is complete
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