The old inn known as The Prancing Pony, a meeting place for the people of the Bree-land, and for travellers from farther afield. A large stone, three-storeyed building, the inn consisted of a main house and two wings enclosing a courtyard, with rooms designed for Men and Hobbits alike. The Butterbur family were the traditional innkeepers of The Pony, and at the time of the War of the Ring, Barliman Butterbur was its master.
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The Inn of Bree was said to have been kept by the Butterbur family for so long that it preceded any records. The fact that it was constructed to accommodate Hobbits, however, does at least suggest that the Inn was built (or at least rebuilt) after the first of those people arrived in Bree. The first Harfoots entered the lands westward of the Misty Mountains in about the year III 1050, so this seems to be the earliest date that the Inn could have been raised. This was some two thousand years before the War of the Ring, so realistically the Inn of Bree was probably built somewhat later, but at the very least we can say that it was extremely old at the end of the Third Age.
About this entry:
- Updated 7 December 2024
- Updates planned: 2
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