The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Probably built at the same time as Minas Anor (later Minas Tirith) in II 3320 or shortly afterward
A raised pathway between Minas Tirith and Mount Mindolluin
The burial place of the Kings of the House of Anárion, and later the Stewards of the House of Húrin
The tower originally called Minas Anor, and later Minas Tirith
Important peaks
Ran beneath Mindolluin
A 'hallow' is a holy or sacred place
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

Hallows of Minas Tirith

The tombs of the great ones of Gondor

The Silent Street of Minas Tirith, where its Kings, Stewards and heroes were entombed, lying between the city itself and the steep walls of Mount Mindolluin. Though it was the resting place of the Heirs of Elendil, Elendil himself had no tomb there for most of Gondor's history. His grave had originally been on the Halifirien, but he was reinterred in the Hallows by Cirion at the time of the founding of Rohan. Apart from the tombs of the Kings, the House of the Stewards also stood in the Hallows. There is also some evidence that heroic figures were laid to rest here: at least, Borondir, the messenger who succeeded in reaching Eorl, had his tomb among the mighty of Gondor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Hallows of Minas Tirith

The tombs of the great ones of Gondor

Probably built at the same time as Minas Anor (later Minas Tirith) in II 3320 or shortly afterward
A raised pathway between Minas Tirith and Mount Mindolluin
The burial place of the Kings of the House of Anárion, and later the Stewards of the House of Húrin
The tower originally called Minas Anor, and later Minas Tirith
Important peaks
Ran beneath Mindolluin
A 'hallow' is a holy or sacred place
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

Hallows of Minas Tirith

The tombs of the great ones of Gondor

The Silent Street of Minas Tirith, where its Kings, Stewards and heroes were entombed, lying between the city itself and the steep walls of Mount Mindolluin. Though it was the resting place of the Heirs of Elendil, Elendil himself had no tomb there for most of Gondor's history. His grave had originally been on the Halifirien, but he was reinterred in the Hallows by Cirion at the time of the founding of Rohan. Apart from the tombs of the Kings, the House of the Stewards also stood in the Hallows. There is also some evidence that heroic figures were laid to rest here: at least, Borondir, the messenger who succeeded in reaching Eorl, had his tomb among the mighty of Gondor.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2006, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
Discus helps you create a completely customised candidate experience for your DISC personality testing portal.