The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Riddermark (Rohan) was established in III 2510; the rank of First Marshal was abolished after the War of the Ring, III 3019
Associated with the lands around Edoras and Harrowdale
Under the command of the Kings of the House of Eorl
Based in Edoras
Riddermark means 'borderland of the Riders'
Title of
Many commanders over the history of Rohan, including Éomund the father of Éomer


About this entry:

  • Updated 30 July 2023
  • This entry is complete

First Marshal of the Riddermark

Commander of the Muster of Edoras

The highest military rank among the Riders of Rohan. Unlike the Second and Third Marshals, whose duties were assigned as the times demanded, the First Marshal always had the same responsibility. He commanded the Riders of the capital Edoras and the surrounding lands, including the King's Lands and Harrowdale.

At the time of the War of the Ring, there was no First Marshal of the Riddermark. In his youth, King Théoden had led the Riders of the Muster of Edoras himself, so that no First Marshal was needed. In Théoden's later years, the Wizard Saruman exerted a malign influence over the King, and Saruman's agent Gríma Wormtongue worked to ensure that no First Marshal was appointed, leaving a vacuum of power for him to exploit.


About this entry:

  • Updated 30 July 2023
  • This entry is complete

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First Marshal of the Riddermark

Commander of the Muster of Edoras

The Riddermark (Rohan) was established in III 2510; the rank of First Marshal was abolished after the War of the Ring, III 3019
Associated with the lands around Edoras and Harrowdale
Under the command of the Kings of the House of Eorl
Based in Edoras
Riddermark means 'borderland of the Riders'
Title of
Many commanders over the history of Rohan, including Éomund the father of Éomer


About this entry:

  • Updated 30 July 2023
  • This entry is complete

First Marshal of the Riddermark

Commander of the Muster of Edoras

The highest military rank among the Riders of Rohan. Unlike the Second and Third Marshals, whose duties were assigned as the times demanded, the First Marshal always had the same responsibility. He commanded the Riders of the capital Edoras and the surrounding lands, including the King's Lands and Harrowdale.

At the time of the War of the Ring, there was no First Marshal of the Riddermark. In his youth, King Théoden had led the Riders of the Muster of Edoras himself, so that no First Marshal was needed. In Théoden's later years, the Wizard Saruman exerted a malign influence over the King, and Saruman's agent Gríma Wormtongue worked to ensure that no First Marshal was appointed, leaving a vacuum of power for him to exploit.


About this entry:

  • Updated 30 July 2023
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2005, 2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability for a role, but aptitude can also be crucial.