The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
This valley was inhabited during the Second Age and perhaps earlier; it formed part of Rohan after that land's foundation in III 2510
The valley of the river Snowbourn, running northwards out of the White Mountains to its mouth above Edoras
Originally occupied by the Men of the Mountains, and later by the Rohirrim
Edoras stood at the mouth of the valley, while Dunharrow, and the villages of Underharrow and Upbourn, lay within the valley itself
The Snowbourn's source was at the head of the valley
The Snowbourn flowed out of the valley's northern end, and on across the plains of Rohan
Important peaks
'Temple valley'1


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1


The mountain valley of the Snowbourn

Map of Harrowdale

The name given to the deep north-south valley cut out of the White Mountains by the river Snowbourn. At its southern end, beneath the mountain known as the Starkhorn, stood Dunharrow, a great refuge of the Rohirrim. At its northern end, where the Snowbourn issued onto the plains of Rohan, stood that nation's capital, Edoras.



A dale or valley is usually named for the river that runs through it, so we might expect this valley to be known as something like Snowbourndale. Instead, it took its name from its most prominent man-made feature, the ancient sacred place known as Dunharrow ('hillside temple') on its steep eastern wall.


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The mountain valley of the Snowbourn

This valley was inhabited during the Second Age and perhaps earlier; it formed part of Rohan after that land's foundation in III 2510
The valley of the river Snowbourn, running northwards out of the White Mountains to its mouth above Edoras
Originally occupied by the Men of the Mountains, and later by the Rohirrim
Edoras stood at the mouth of the valley, while Dunharrow, and the villages of Underharrow and Upbourn, lay within the valley itself
The Snowbourn's source was at the head of the valley
The Snowbourn flowed out of the valley's northern end, and on across the plains of Rohan
Important peaks
'Temple valley'1


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1


The mountain valley of the Snowbourn

Map of Harrowdale

The name given to the deep north-south valley cut out of the White Mountains by the river Snowbourn. At its southern end, beneath the mountain known as the Starkhorn, stood Dunharrow, a great refuge of the Rohirrim. At its northern end, where the Snowbourn issued onto the plains of Rohan, stood that nation's capital, Edoras.



A dale or valley is usually named for the river that runs through it, so we might expect this valley to be known as something like Snowbourndale. Instead, it took its name from its most prominent man-made feature, the ancient sacred place known as Dunharrow ('hillside temple') on its steep eastern wall.


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2000, 2016, 2019. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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