The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Aragorn was crowned as King Elessar ('Elfstone') on 1 May III 3019;1 he ruled until IV 120 (reigned 122 years)
Raised among the Northern Dúnedain, and later ruled the Reunited Kingdom
Aragorn was a direct descendant of the House of Isildur; he founded his own house, which he named Telcontar
Ruled chiefly from Minas Tirith in Gondor, with Annúminas as his capital in the North-kingdom
Referred to the green jewel (itself known as the Elfstone or Elessar) that Aragorn wore, which was a token of the name prophesied for him
Other names
Title of
This entry relates to Elfstone as a title for Aragorn; for the stone itself, see the alternate entry for the Elfstone


About this entry:

  • Updated 3 June 2023
  • This entry is complete


The prophesied title of Aragorn

Arathorn II

At the time of Aragorn's birth, it was foretold that he would be known as Elessar, the 'Elfstone'. The details of this foretelling are not recorded, but according to one tradition the prophecy dated back even further, to a time when Gandalf travelled to Lórien. He was said to have brought with him a green gem of power from beyond the Great Sea, and granted it to Galadriel to await the coming of one who would share the name of the stone.2

During his southward journey with the Company of the Ring, Aragorn passed through the land of Lórien, a place he already knew well. As the Company departed from that land, Galadriel gave each of its members a gift, but to Aragorn she also gave a green stone, the Elessar or Elfstone, a clear green stone set in a silver brooch with the shape of an Eagle. Galadriel was well aware of this stone's prophetic significance, directly associating the green Elfstone with the name that was foretold for Aragorn.

Aragorn's journey led him on southward through Rohan and the Paths of the Dead, eventually to reach Minas Tirith and aid in the victory at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and later to use his healing skills to bring Faramir back from the brink of death. The people of Minas Tirith cheered him for his bravery and skill, but did not know his name. Thus they called him 'Lord Elfstone' from the green stone that he wore, and so fulfilled the prophecy that this would be his name.

As the direct Heir of Isildur, Aragorn was soon accepted by the people of Gondor as their new King. He chose to rule under the name of Elessar, so that the 'Lord Elfstone' proclaimed by the people of Minas Tirith became King Elessar Telcontar (where Elessar meant 'Elfstone' and Telcontar was Elvish for 'Strider', Aragorn's nickname among northern Men).



Aragorn had been known as 'Elfstone' long before he formally took the royal name Elessar, at least among those who were aware of his heritage and the prophecies surrounding it. Indeed, as the name was subject to a prophecy, it might conceivably have been used before Aragorn was even born. The prophecy of the name was fulfilled on 15 March III 3019, when the people of Gondor, not knowing the true name of the captain of the Rangers who had helped save their city, spontaneously proclaimed him as 'Elfstone' from the green jewel that he wore.


This account comes from Unfinished Tales Part Two IV, The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, but it should be noted that it is only one variant of several possible histories of the green gem known as the Elfstone. The ultimate origin of Aragorn's foretold name 'Elfstone' is not categorically explained in any source.

See also...

The Renewer


About this entry:

  • Updated 3 June 2023
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The prophesied title of Aragorn

Aragorn was crowned as King Elessar ('Elfstone') on 1 May III 3019;1 he ruled until IV 120 (reigned 122 years)
Raised among the Northern Dúnedain, and later ruled the Reunited Kingdom
Aragorn was a direct descendant of the House of Isildur; he founded his own house, which he named Telcontar
Ruled chiefly from Minas Tirith in Gondor, with Annúminas as his capital in the North-kingdom
Referred to the green jewel (itself known as the Elfstone or Elessar) that Aragorn wore, which was a token of the name prophesied for him
Other names
Title of
This entry relates to Elfstone as a title for Aragorn; for the stone itself, see the alternate entry for the Elfstone


About this entry:

  • Updated 3 June 2023
  • This entry is complete


The prophesied title of Aragorn

Arathorn II

At the time of Aragorn's birth, it was foretold that he would be known as Elessar, the 'Elfstone'. The details of this foretelling are not recorded, but according to one tradition the prophecy dated back even further, to a time when Gandalf travelled to Lórien. He was said to have brought with him a green gem of power from beyond the Great Sea, and granted it to Galadriel to await the coming of one who would share the name of the stone.2

During his southward journey with the Company of the Ring, Aragorn passed through the land of Lórien, a place he already knew well. As the Company departed from that land, Galadriel gave each of its members a gift, but to Aragorn she also gave a green stone, the Elessar or Elfstone, a clear green stone set in a silver brooch with the shape of an Eagle. Galadriel was well aware of this stone's prophetic significance, directly associating the green Elfstone with the name that was foretold for Aragorn.

Aragorn's journey led him on southward through Rohan and the Paths of the Dead, eventually to reach Minas Tirith and aid in the victory at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, and later to use his healing skills to bring Faramir back from the brink of death. The people of Minas Tirith cheered him for his bravery and skill, but did not know his name. Thus they called him 'Lord Elfstone' from the green stone that he wore, and so fulfilled the prophecy that this would be his name.

As the direct Heir of Isildur, Aragorn was soon accepted by the people of Gondor as their new King. He chose to rule under the name of Elessar, so that the 'Lord Elfstone' proclaimed by the people of Minas Tirith became King Elessar Telcontar (where Elessar meant 'Elfstone' and Telcontar was Elvish for 'Strider', Aragorn's nickname among northern Men).



Aragorn had been known as 'Elfstone' long before he formally took the royal name Elessar, at least among those who were aware of his heritage and the prophecies surrounding it. Indeed, as the name was subject to a prophecy, it might conceivably have been used before Aragorn was even born. The prophecy of the name was fulfilled on 15 March III 3019, when the people of Gondor, not knowing the true name of the captain of the Rangers who had helped save their city, spontaneously proclaimed him as 'Elfstone' from the green jewel that he wore.


This account comes from Unfinished Tales Part Two IV, The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, but it should be noted that it is only one variant of several possible histories of the green gem known as the Elfstone. The ultimate origin of Aragorn's foretold name 'Elfstone' is not categorically explained in any source.

See also...

The Renewer


About this entry:

  • Updated 3 June 2023
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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