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ada'lgar bo'ljer
Adalgar probably means 'noble spear'
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The eldest son of Gundahar Bolger and Dina Diggle. As the eldest son of an eldest son, it seems that Adalgar would have become head of the Bolger family after his father's death in III 2875 (though the complexities of Hobbit traditions mean that his mother Dina may have held this position for some years before Adalgar himself succeeded). As head of the family, Adalgar would have lived at the family seat of Budgeford in Bridgefields. Adalgar was the father of three children: Rudigar, Rudibert and Ruby. Of these, Ruby married Fosco Baggins, and became the grandmother of Frodo Baggins. Thus Adalgar was one of Frodo's great-grandfathers (though in fact he had passed away some years before Frodo was born). See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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