The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Built by the Gondorians early in the Third Age; destroyed on 25 March III 3019
Either side of the Morannon, guarding the northwestern entry into Mordor
Built by Men, but later controlled by the forces of Sauron
Other names
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About this entry:

  • Updated 18 April 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

Towers of the Black Gate

The guardian towers of Mordor

An occasional name for the pair of towers more usually called the Towers of the Teeth, above the Black Gate of the Morannon at the northwestern entrance to Mordor. These towers, named Narchost and Carchost, were originally built after the War of the Last Alliance by the Men of Gondor to guard the Black Gate that led into the land of Mordor.

As the power of Gondor waned and slowly withdrew from the lands east of Anduin, the Towers of the Black Gate were eventually abandoned. In the closing decades of the Third Age, Sauron returned to Mordor, and his servants were able to take control of the Towers.

With the destruction of the One Ring, the quaking of the earth caused the Morannon to fall. In the ruin of the Black Gate, the Towers that guarded it were also toppled, after having stood watch on the borders of Mordor for more than three thousand years.


About this entry:

  • Updated 18 April 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Towers of the Black Gate

The guardian towers of Mordor

Built by the Gondorians early in the Third Age; destroyed on 25 March III 3019
Either side of the Morannon, guarding the northwestern entry into Mordor
Built by Men, but later controlled by the forces of Sauron
Other names
Title of


About this entry:

  • Updated 18 April 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

Towers of the Black Gate

The guardian towers of Mordor

An occasional name for the pair of towers more usually called the Towers of the Teeth, above the Black Gate of the Morannon at the northwestern entrance to Mordor. These towers, named Narchost and Carchost, were originally built after the War of the Last Alliance by the Men of Gondor to guard the Black Gate that led into the land of Mordor.

As the power of Gondor waned and slowly withdrew from the lands east of Anduin, the Towers of the Black Gate were eventually abandoned. In the closing decades of the Third Age, Sauron returned to Mordor, and his servants were able to take control of the Towers.

With the destruction of the One Ring, the quaking of the earth caused the Morannon to fall. In the ruin of the Black Gate, the Towers that guarded it were also toppled, after having stood watch on the borders of Mordor for more than three thousand years.


About this entry:

  • Updated 18 April 2017
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2015, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
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