The Towers of
Westmarch (slightly conjectural)
The Towers of
Westmarch (slightly conjectural)
A shortening of 'Undertowers', or a perhaps a direct reference to the three ancient Elf-towers that rose from the Tower Hills, and from which both the hills and Undertowers itself took their names. The Towers lay on the western edge of the land known as the Westmarch, the region between the Tower Hills and the Far Downs settled by Shire-hobbits after the War of the Ring. The Towers became the residence of the hereditary Wardens of Westmarch, descendants of Sam Gamgee's grandson Elfstan Fairbairn, whose family became known as the Fairbairns of the Towers.
About this entry:
- Updated 6 January 2021
- This entry is complete
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