Staddle in the
Bree-land (somewhat conjectural)
Staddle in the
Bree-land (somewhat conjectural)
A village of the Bree-land, lying on the southeastern slopes of the Bree-hill. Staddle was the main settlement of the Bree-hobbits.
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We don't have detailed maps for the Bree-land, so many of the locations shown here are inferred from textual references. Staddle is described as lying on the southeastern slopes of the Bree-hill, a little to the north of the Great Road, so while we cannot be sure of its exact location, it must have stood somewhere close to the point shown on this map.
See also...
Bree-hill, Bree-hobbits, Bree-land, Bree-landers, Combe, Sandheaver Family, Tom Pickthorn, Tunnelly Family, Underhill, Underhill Family, Up-away
About this entry:
- Updated 14 June 2019
- Updates planned: 1
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