A lane in the Shire, leading to the farmlands of the Cotton family. Its exact location is uncertain, but it seems to have run south from Bywater in the Shire's Westfarthing, not far from the Three-Farthing Stone. When the Travellers returned to the Shire and found it under the control of Sharkey and his Men, Sam suggested that they set up a defence at the Cottons' home down South Lane, but eventually the Hobbits decided on more direct action.
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South Lane does not appear on any canonical map but, based on the text of The Lord of the Rings, we know that it ran southward from Bywater. It is hard to be sure how long the lane was, but as Sam approached the Cottons' farm, he could still hear a horn call from Bywater to the north. This implies that the lane wasn't particularly long - probably no more than a mile or so, or perhaps two at the absolute most.
About this entry:
- Updated 25 August 2021
- This entry is complete
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