The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Created by Varda more than three Ages before the first rising of the Sun
In the northern sky
Formed by the Varda from the silver dews of the Tree Telperion
Other names
The Sickle of the Valar, Valacirca, The Wain; known in modern times as the Plough or Big Dipper


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 May 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

The Seven Stars

The Sickle of the Valar

"And in answer he sang a song of challenge that he had made in praise of the Seven Stars, the Sickle of the Valar that Varda hung above the North as a sign for the fall of Morgoth."
The Silmarillion
Quenta Silmarillion 19
Of Beren and Lúthien

One of the many names for the seven-starred constellation that turned, and still turns, through the northern skies every night of the year. To the Elves this was the Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar that signalled the downfall of Morgoth, but the Men of the Northern lands called it simply 'The Wain'. The Seven Stars are today known as the Plough, or the Big Dipper.

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 10 May 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2002, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The Seven Stars

The Sickle of the Valar

Created by Varda more than three Ages before the first rising of the Sun
In the northern sky
Formed by the Varda from the silver dews of the Tree Telperion
Other names
The Sickle of the Valar, Valacirca, The Wain; known in modern times as the Plough or Big Dipper


About this entry:

  • Updated 10 May 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

The Seven Stars

The Sickle of the Valar

"And in answer he sang a song of challenge that he had made in praise of the Seven Stars, the Sickle of the Valar that Varda hung above the North as a sign for the fall of Morgoth."
The Silmarillion
Quenta Silmarillion 19
Of Beren and Lúthien

One of the many names for the seven-starred constellation that turned, and still turns, through the northern skies every night of the year. To the Elves this was the Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar that signalled the downfall of Morgoth, but the Men of the Northern lands called it simply 'The Wain'. The Seven Stars are today known as the Plough, or the Big Dipper.

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 10 May 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2002, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability for a role, but aptitude can also be crucial.