Descended into
Arda at its beginning; immortal
Approximately 'loud trumpeter'1
Other names
About this entry:
Updated 20 July 1999
Updates planned: 7
The Valar
Manwë Ulmo Aulë Oromë Mandos Lórien Tulkas Varda Yavanna Nienna Estë Vairë Vána Nessa
The Huntsman of the Valar , the brother of Nessa and one of the eight Aratar . In ancient times, he rode often in the forests of Middle-earth , and it was he who first discovered the Eldar at Cuiviénen .
...or 'one who blasts loudly on a horn', in reference to his fabled hunting horn, the Valaróma . This is one of many cases where a simple Elvish concept translates very awkwardly into English.
See also...
Aldaron , Aman , Aratar , Araw , Awakening of Men , Belegurth , Béma , Celegorm , Dark Elves , Eldar , Eledhrim , Elu Thingol , Elves , Elves beyond the Sea , Forester , [See the full list...] Great Rider , High Ones of Arda , Hithaeglir , Horses , Hound of Valinor , Huntsman of the Valar , Inland Sea of Helcar , Ithryn Luin , Kine of Araw , Lenwë , Lord of Forests , Lord of Trees , Lords of the Valar , Lords of Valinor , Máhanaxar , Maiar , Mearas , Middle-earth , Misty Mountains , Mountains of the East , Nahar , Nessa , Outer Lands , Oxen of the East , Pallando , People of the Great Journey , People of the Stars , Powers of Arda , Powers of the World , Queens of the Valar , Rochallor , Tauron , The Ever-young , The Great , The Lord , The Moon , The Rider , The Unwilling , Tilion , Towers of Mist , Two Kindreds , Unlight , Valar , Valaróma , Valier , Valmar , Vána , War of the Powers , Water of Awakening , West over Sea , Wolfhounds , Years of the Trees
About this entry:
Updated 20 July 1999
Updates planned: 7
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