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The pass through the mountains existed from early times, but was not known as the Morgul-road until after the capture of Minas Morgul in III 2002
Minas Morgul stood at the western end of the road
Important peaks
Ran through the mountains of Ephel Dúath
The road ran through the Morgul Pass; high above, the pass of Cirith Ungol followed a more difficult route through the mountains
Morgul is pronounced 'mo'rgool'
Morgul means 'black sorcery'
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
Morgul-roadThe road that passed Minas MorgulA road that drove eastward through Ithilien and across the mountains of Ephel Dúath, running into the valley of Imlad Morgul and past the dark city of Minas Morgul. At least at its western end, the Morgul-road was wide enough to accommodate an army column, as indeed it did during the War of the Ring. The road went on eastward from the city to cross the mountains through a valley far below Cirith Ungol and to continue out onto the ashen plains of Mordor beyond. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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