The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
'Long' probably referred to Holman's height;1 'Hom' is a shortening of the given name 'Holman'
Other names
A nickname of Holman Cotton


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 March 2020
  • This entry is complete

‘Long Hom’

The nickname of Holman Cotton

A nickname used for Holman Cotton, the father of Tolman Cotton of Bywater. 'Holman' was a relatively common Hobbit-name (we know of at least two other Hobbits of the same name), so 'Long Hom' (or its earlier variant 'Long Holm') would have served to distinguish Holman Cotton from others of his family or acquaintance who shared the same forename. The significance of calling Holman 'Long' is not explained, but it suggests that he might have been unusually tall for a Hobbit.

'Long Hom' was not the only distinguishing feature of Holman's name. He was the first Hobbit to use the surname 'Cotton', and thus originated the Cotton family, which would later rise to prominence in the Shire. That family included not only Tolman the elder (who played a part in the War of the Ring) but also Tolman's daughter Rose Cotton, who would marry Sam Gamgee.



Actually the significance of 'long' in Holman's nickname is not explicitly explained, but in traditional names it typically refers to unusual height. For example, Strider was referred to as 'Longshanks', referring to his long legs, while the English surname 'Longman' means 'tall man'.

See also...

Cotton Family


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 March 2020
  • This entry is complete

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‘Long Hom’

The nickname of Holman Cotton

'Long' probably referred to Holman's height;1 'Hom' is a shortening of the given name 'Holman'
Other names
A nickname of Holman Cotton


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 March 2020
  • This entry is complete

‘Long Hom’

The nickname of Holman Cotton

A nickname used for Holman Cotton, the father of Tolman Cotton of Bywater. 'Holman' was a relatively common Hobbit-name (we know of at least two other Hobbits of the same name), so 'Long Hom' (or its earlier variant 'Long Holm') would have served to distinguish Holman Cotton from others of his family or acquaintance who shared the same forename. The significance of calling Holman 'Long' is not explained, but it suggests that he might have been unusually tall for a Hobbit.

'Long Hom' was not the only distinguishing feature of Holman's name. He was the first Hobbit to use the surname 'Cotton', and thus originated the Cotton family, which would later rise to prominence in the Shire. That family included not only Tolman the elder (who played a part in the War of the Ring) but also Tolman's daughter Rose Cotton, who would marry Sam Gamgee.



Actually the significance of 'long' in Holman's nickname is not explicitly explained, but in traditional names it typically refers to unusual height. For example, Strider was referred to as 'Longshanks', referring to his long legs, while the English surname 'Longman' means 'tall man'.

See also...

Cotton Family


About this entry:

  • Updated 23 March 2020
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2000, 2016, 2019-2020. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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