The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Two Trees began to shine soon after the coming of the Valar to Valinor; they were destroyed shortly before the first rising of the Sun (approximately 14,000 years)1
The Trees grew on the mound of Ezellohar, to the west of Valmar, and shed their Light across Aman
The Trees were made by Yavanna, and watered by the tears of Nienna
Created by Ainur
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 June 2024
  • This entry is complete

The Light

The radiance of Valinor beyond the Sea

A term used in Middle-earth to refer to the shining glory of the land of Aman when it was lit by the Two Trees, Telperion and Laurelin. In the time long before the making of the Moon and Sun, these Trees stood in Valinor and filled the land of the Valar with light, while Middle-earth lay darkened under starlight. It was in this time that many of the Eldar made the journey across the Sea to Aman, and so became known as the Calaquendi, the Elves of the Light.

Also known more fully as the Light of Aman or Light of the Trees, the Light was not to survive forever. The Two Trees were destroyed by Melkor, and Valinor was plunged into darkness, but from the dying Trees the Moon and Sun were made and set in the sky by the Valar. Meanwhile, Fëanor led many of his people, the Noldor, in pursuit of Melkor (who had not only darkened the Two Trees, but also slain Fëanor's father and stolen the Silmarils, which now contained the last remnant of the Light). Thus some of the Elves of the Light returned out of the West into Middle-earth as the new great lights ascended into the heavens. Though these Eldar were exiled from the land of the Valar, nonetheless they had looked on the Light in the West, and this still shone in their eyes.

With the loss of the Two Trees, the Light of Valinor was also lost, except within the Silmarils that Melkor had stolen. As the First Age came to an end, one of these was borne into the sky by Eärendil, so that his Star still represents a fragment of the lost Light. The other two Jewels were cast away, one into the Sea and the other into the raging fires of the Earth. According to prophecy, all three Silmarils will one day be recovered, and, after the Last Battle, they will be used to rekindle the Two Trees and return their Light to the world.



According the Annals of Aman in volume X of The History of Middle-earth, the Two Trees shone in the West for a total of 1,495 Valian Years. That would work out to a period of approximately 14,325 solar years.

See also...

Pass of Light


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 June 2024
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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The Light

The radiance of Valinor beyond the Sea

The Two Trees began to shine soon after the coming of the Valar to Valinor; they were destroyed shortly before the first rising of the Sun (approximately 14,000 years)1
The Trees grew on the mound of Ezellohar, to the west of Valmar, and shed their Light across Aman
The Trees were made by Yavanna, and watered by the tears of Nienna
Created by Ainur
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 June 2024
  • This entry is complete

The Light

The radiance of Valinor beyond the Sea

A term used in Middle-earth to refer to the shining glory of the land of Aman when it was lit by the Two Trees, Telperion and Laurelin. In the time long before the making of the Moon and Sun, these Trees stood in Valinor and filled the land of the Valar with light, while Middle-earth lay darkened under starlight. It was in this time that many of the Eldar made the journey across the Sea to Aman, and so became known as the Calaquendi, the Elves of the Light.

Also known more fully as the Light of Aman or Light of the Trees, the Light was not to survive forever. The Two Trees were destroyed by Melkor, and Valinor was plunged into darkness, but from the dying Trees the Moon and Sun were made and set in the sky by the Valar. Meanwhile, Fëanor led many of his people, the Noldor, in pursuit of Melkor (who had not only darkened the Two Trees, but also slain Fëanor's father and stolen the Silmarils, which now contained the last remnant of the Light). Thus some of the Elves of the Light returned out of the West into Middle-earth as the new great lights ascended into the heavens. Though these Eldar were exiled from the land of the Valar, nonetheless they had looked on the Light in the West, and this still shone in their eyes.

With the loss of the Two Trees, the Light of Valinor was also lost, except within the Silmarils that Melkor had stolen. As the First Age came to an end, one of these was borne into the sky by Eärendil, so that his Star still represents a fragment of the lost Light. The other two Jewels were cast away, one into the Sea and the other into the raging fires of the Earth. According to prophecy, all three Silmarils will one day be recovered, and, after the Last Battle, they will be used to rekindle the Two Trees and return their Light to the world.



According the Annals of Aman in volume X of The History of Middle-earth, the Two Trees shone in the West for a total of 1,495 Valian Years. That would work out to a period of approximately 14,325 solar years.

See also...

Pass of Light


About this entry:

  • Updated 22 June 2024
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2023-2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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