The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Established in Osgiliath during the early days of Gondor (which was founded II 3320);1 a summer residence in Minas Anor was used by Ostoher (ruled III 411 - III 492); moved permanently to Minas Anor by Tarondor (ruled III 1577 - III 1798)
Originally Osgiliath, and later moved to Minas Anor (afterwards renamed Minas Tirith)


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

King’s House

The seat of the Kings of Gondor

The seat and residence of the Kings of Gondor. Until the middle years of the Third Age, the House was in Osgiliath on the River Anduin, but after the losses from the Great Plague, the new King Tarondor removed it to Minas Anor.



Dating the foundation of the King's House is not straightforward. In the earliest days of Gondor, the realm was ruled jointly by the brothers Isildur and Anárion. Each of these had their own separate dwelling, with Isildur in Minas Ithil and Anárion in Minas Anor. It was not until after the War of the Last Alliance that Gondor had a unified Kingship under Anárion's son Meneldil. He ruled from III 2, and it was presumably during his time that the King's House was established in the royal city of Osgiliath. The most we can say definitively is that the House was in Osgiliath when Ostoher came to the throne four centuries later (because we have a record of Ostoher changing this arrangement).

See also...

King of Gondor, Tarondor


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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King’s House

The seat of the Kings of Gondor

Established in Osgiliath during the early days of Gondor (which was founded II 3320);1 a summer residence in Minas Anor was used by Ostoher (ruled III 411 - III 492); moved permanently to Minas Anor by Tarondor (ruled III 1577 - III 1798)
Originally Osgiliath, and later moved to Minas Anor (afterwards renamed Minas Tirith)


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

King’s House

The seat of the Kings of Gondor

The seat and residence of the Kings of Gondor. Until the middle years of the Third Age, the House was in Osgiliath on the River Anduin, but after the losses from the Great Plague, the new King Tarondor removed it to Minas Anor.



Dating the foundation of the King's House is not straightforward. In the earliest days of Gondor, the realm was ruled jointly by the brothers Isildur and Anárion. Each of these had their own separate dwelling, with Isildur in Minas Ithil and Anárion in Minas Anor. It was not until after the War of the Last Alliance that Gondor had a unified Kingship under Anárion's son Meneldil. He ruled from III 2, and it was presumably during his time that the King's House was established in the royal city of Osgiliath. The most we can say definitively is that the House was in Osgiliath when Ostoher came to the throne four centuries later (because we have a record of Ostoher changing this arrangement).

See also...

King of Gondor, Tarondor


About this entry:

  • Updated 26 December 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2000, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by myDISCprofile, the free online personality test.
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