- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
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The greenhandedThe nickname of Holman the gardenerThe title or nickname given to Holman of Hobbiton, who gardened there long before his descendant Sam Gamgee took on that role. 'The greenhanded' seems to be meant as a descriptive nickname, so he was most likely the founder of the gardening tradition that was passed on through his family. Both his son Halfred and grandson Holman followed this same tradition, taking the surname Greenhand. Holman Greenhand passed on his gardening skills to his distant cousin Hamfast Gamgee, and in turn Hamfast's son Sam took on the mantle of gardener in Hobbiton. For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2003, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.We're confident you won't find a better online DISC personality test, but find out what the experts think of Discus. |