Goldwine, the sixth Lord of the Mark, inherited the throne from his father Fréawine. Of his life and reign almost nothing is known, apart from a general note that Rohan had peace and prosperity during his nineteen years as King. Goldwine was the last of Rohan'sKings to enjoy a peaceful reign for many years. He was succeeded by his son Déor, in whose time the Dunlendings driven out by Goldwine's great-grandfather Aldor began to reappear in the northern marches. They would trouble the Rohirrim for many generations.
The implications of Goldwine's name aren't entirely certain. He may have been a 'gold-friend' in the sense that he loved riches, or in the sense that he bought the friendship of his nobles with generous gifts of gold. Given that Rohan was known to have been both peaceful and prosperous during his reign, the latter might seem the more likely, and indeed was the conventional meaning in Old English.