The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Open to dispute, but apparently built in about the year III 1250 (see the entry for Argonath for more discussion on this point)
The northern entrance to Nen Hithoel
Apparently built by King Rómendacil II, probably during his time as Regent
Represented the sons of Elendil
Gondor is pronounced 'go'ndorr' ('rr' indicates that the final 'r' should be pronounced)
Gondor means 'land of (the people of) stone'
Other names
The 'Gates of Gondor' (plural) are not to be confused with the entirely different 'Gate of Gondor' (singular), which was a reference to the Great Gate of Minas Tirith


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

Gates of Gondor

The stones of the Argonath

Two ancient stones placed on either side of the Great River Anduin to mark the northern border of Gondor, and more commonly called the Argonath. These stones were carved in the form of the sons of Elendil - Isildur and Anárion - who had jointly ruled the South-kingdom during its earliest years, more than a thousand years before the Gates of Gondor were raised.

Gondor's northern border had not remained fixed over history. At its greatest extent, it had reached as far north as the Field of Celebrant, but during the thirteenth century of the Third Age circumstances forced Gondor to contract and consolidate its borders in the north. These were settled in the Emyn Muil, and where Anduin ran through those hills into Nen Hithoel, the Gates of Gondor were placed.

As history moved on, the borders of Gondor were further reduced, and after Steward Cirion ceded Calenardhon to the Rohirrim, the Argonath no longer stood within the realm of Gondor. Nonetheless, the stone forms of Isildur and Anárion survived for centuries to come, sternly guarding the way toward the land those Kings had once ruled.

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About this entry:

  • Updated 19 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Gates of Gondor

The stones of the Argonath

Open to dispute, but apparently built in about the year III 1250 (see the entry for Argonath for more discussion on this point)
The northern entrance to Nen Hithoel
Apparently built by King Rómendacil II, probably during his time as Regent
Represented the sons of Elendil
Gondor is pronounced 'go'ndorr' ('rr' indicates that the final 'r' should be pronounced)
Gondor means 'land of (the people of) stone'
Other names
The 'Gates of Gondor' (plural) are not to be confused with the entirely different 'Gate of Gondor' (singular), which was a reference to the Great Gate of Minas Tirith


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

Gates of Gondor

The stones of the Argonath

Two ancient stones placed on either side of the Great River Anduin to mark the northern border of Gondor, and more commonly called the Argonath. These stones were carved in the form of the sons of Elendil - Isildur and Anárion - who had jointly ruled the South-kingdom during its earliest years, more than a thousand years before the Gates of Gondor were raised.

Gondor's northern border had not remained fixed over history. At its greatest extent, it had reached as far north as the Field of Celebrant, but during the thirteenth century of the Third Age circumstances forced Gondor to contract and consolidate its borders in the north. These were settled in the Emyn Muil, and where Anduin ran through those hills into Nen Hithoel, the Gates of Gondor were placed.

As history moved on, the borders of Gondor were further reduced, and after Steward Cirion ceded Calenardhon to the Rohirrim, the Argonath no longer stood within the realm of Gondor. Nonetheless, the stone forms of Isildur and Anárion survived for centuries to come, sternly guarding the way toward the land those Kings had once ruled.

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 19 July 2019
  • Updates planned: 1

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2013, 2019. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Axiom Discovery gives you comprehensive online aptitude testing covering core skills across a wide range of disciplines.