The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Built c. I 116; fell to Morgoth I 510
Guarding the ravine of the Orfalch Echor that led to the Hidden City of Gondolin
Part of the original defences built by Turgon to protect the way to his city
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 September 2017
  • This entry is complete

Gate of Bronze

The Third Gate of the Orfalch Echor

Map of the Gate of Bronze
The location of the Gate of Bronze within the Orfalch Echor (not to scale)
The location of the Gate of Bronze within the Orfalch Echor (not to scale)

The Seven Gates of Gondolin

The long narrow pass of the Orfalch Echor led through the Encircling Mountains to the Hidden City of Gondolin, and that secret way was blocked along its length by Seven Gates, each of a different composition. The first two Gates were of Wood and Stone, but beginning with the Third Gate, the Gate of Bronze, each of the remaining Gates was made of a different metal.

The Gate of Bronze was not simply constructed from bronze, but also intricately decorated in bronze and copper. The Gate itself bore engraved metal shields, and along the top of the wall enclosing the Gate stood three copper spheres, shimmering in red lantern light. The Gate was guarded by its own company of soldiers, mostly Sindarin Elves, each bearing an axe that was the traditional weapon of that people.

After the Gate of Bronze, the pass of the Orfalch began to stretch upward into the Encircling Mountains. After this Gate the road toward Gondolin was a long and difficult climb until the pass reached its highest point, guarded by the next of the Seven Gates, the Gate of Writhen Iron.


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 September 2017
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Gate of Bronze

The Third Gate of the Orfalch Echor

Built c. I 116; fell to Morgoth I 510
Guarding the ravine of the Orfalch Echor that led to the Hidden City of Gondolin
Part of the original defences built by Turgon to protect the way to his city
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 September 2017
  • This entry is complete

Gate of Bronze

The Third Gate of the Orfalch Echor

Map of the Gate of Bronze
The location of the Gate of Bronze within the Orfalch Echor (not to scale)
The location of the Gate of Bronze within the Orfalch Echor (not to scale)

The Seven Gates of Gondolin

The long narrow pass of the Orfalch Echor led through the Encircling Mountains to the Hidden City of Gondolin, and that secret way was blocked along its length by Seven Gates, each of a different composition. The first two Gates were of Wood and Stone, but beginning with the Third Gate, the Gate of Bronze, each of the remaining Gates was made of a different metal.

The Gate of Bronze was not simply constructed from bronze, but also intricately decorated in bronze and copper. The Gate itself bore engraved metal shields, and along the top of the wall enclosing the Gate stood three copper spheres, shimmering in red lantern light. The Gate was guarded by its own company of soldiers, mostly Sindarin Elves, each bearing an axe that was the traditional weapon of that people.

After the Gate of Bronze, the pass of the Orfalch began to stretch upward into the Encircling Mountains. After this Gate the road toward Gondolin was a long and difficult climb until the pass reached its highest point, guarded by the next of the Seven Gates, the Gate of Writhen Iron.


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 September 2017
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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