A great-grandson of Eorl the founder of Rohan, Fréa was the eldest son of Aldor the Old (though he had three elder sisters), born in the year that his father became King of Rohan. Aldor's title of 'the Old' was well-earned, for he remained King of Rohan from his youth to extreme old age, and ruled Rohan for a total of seventy-five years. During this time the Dunlendings were driven back across the river Isen, and the valleys of the White Mountains were settled; as the heir of the King it seems that Fréa must have played at least some part in these deeds.
Due to his father's exceptionally long life, Fréa was himself an old man of seventy-five when he succeeded to the throne. The work done during Aldor's reign meant that Fréa's own relatively brief rule was a time of peace and prosperity. He ruled Rohan for fourteen years, and was succeeded by his son Fréawine.