The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Born c. III 2910 (c. 1310 by the Shire-reckoning)1
As a son of the Master of Buckland, Dodinas probably dwelt in Brandy Hall
Dodinas is pronounced 'do'dinas'
The meaning of Dodinas is uncertain2


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 November 2024
  • This entry is complete

Dodinas Brandybuck

A son of Master Gorbadoc

The fourth of Gorbadoc Brandybuck's seven children, Dodinas was born sometime between III 2908 and III 2913 (1308 and 1313 by the Shire-reckoning). Little is known of his life, and his main claim to history is in his relations to others. Through his elder brother Rorimac, he was an uncle of Meriadoc Brandybuck, and through his younger sister Primula he was also an uncle of Frodo Baggins. He is not recorded as being present at Bilbo Baggins' Farewell Party, suggesting that he did not survive until the year III 3001 when it was held.



We have no specific dates for Dodinas Brandybuck, but we do have enough information about his siblings that we can make a close guess at his date of birth. Dodinas was the fourth of seven siblings, and we know the dates of birth of his immediate elder brother Saradas (III 2908) and his immediate younger sister Asphodel (III 2913). So, Dodinas must have been between these two dates, and assuming his birth fell about halfway between those of Saradas and Asphodel, he would have been born in III 2910 (as estimated above) or perhaps III 2911.


The meaning of name Dodinas is not explained, but it apparently has its roots in Arthurian mythology. One of the minor knights of the Round Table was named Sir Dodinas the Savage (or Dodinel the Wild in earlier versions) and this seems to be the origin of Dodinas Brandybuck's name. The case for an Arthurian origin of the name is strengthened by the fact that the Hobbit Dodinas Brandybuck had a younger brother named Dinodas, and a certain Sir Dinadas also appears among the lesser knights of Round Table.


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 November 2024
  • This entry is complete

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Dodinas Brandybuck

A son of Master Gorbadoc

Born c. III 2910 (c. 1310 by the Shire-reckoning)1
As a son of the Master of Buckland, Dodinas probably dwelt in Brandy Hall
Dodinas is pronounced 'do'dinas'
The meaning of Dodinas is uncertain2


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 November 2024
  • This entry is complete

Dodinas Brandybuck

A son of Master Gorbadoc

The fourth of Gorbadoc Brandybuck's seven children, Dodinas was born sometime between III 2908 and III 2913 (1308 and 1313 by the Shire-reckoning). Little is known of his life, and his main claim to history is in his relations to others. Through his elder brother Rorimac, he was an uncle of Meriadoc Brandybuck, and through his younger sister Primula he was also an uncle of Frodo Baggins. He is not recorded as being present at Bilbo Baggins' Farewell Party, suggesting that he did not survive until the year III 3001 when it was held.



We have no specific dates for Dodinas Brandybuck, but we do have enough information about his siblings that we can make a close guess at his date of birth. Dodinas was the fourth of seven siblings, and we know the dates of birth of his immediate elder brother Saradas (III 2908) and his immediate younger sister Asphodel (III 2913). So, Dodinas must have been between these two dates, and assuming his birth fell about halfway between those of Saradas and Asphodel, he would have been born in III 2910 (as estimated above) or perhaps III 2911.


The meaning of name Dodinas is not explained, but it apparently has its roots in Arthurian mythology. One of the minor knights of the Round Table was named Sir Dodinas the Savage (or Dodinel the Wild in earlier versions) and this seems to be the origin of Dodinas Brandybuck's name. The case for an Arthurian origin of the name is strengthened by the fact that the Hobbit Dodinas Brandybuck had a younger brother named Dinodas, and a certain Sir Dinadas also appears among the lesser knights of Round Table.


About this entry:

  • Updated 9 November 2024
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2008, 2016, 2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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