The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Adopted after the Battle of Dagorlad of II 3434; replaced during the reign of Atanatar II (III 1149 - III 1226); relinquished by Eärnur III 2050; recovered for the coronation of Aragorn Elessar III 3019
The helm worn by Isildur during the Battle of Dagorlad, later replaced by the Silver Crown of Atanatar II Alcarin
Both branches of the House of Elendil
Worn by the Kings of Gondor in Osgiliath, and later in Minas Anor (Minas Tirith)
Elendil is probably pronounced 'e'lendil' (though see note 2 to the entry for Elendil)
Other names
Crown of Gondor, Winged Crown; also known as the Silver Crown or White Crown after its replacement by Atanatar II


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 September 2022
  • This entry is complete

Crown of Elendil

The royal helm of Gondor

A tall jewelled crown, fashioned with wings after the model of a Númenórean war helmet. The original Crown of Gondor had indeed been a simple helm - that worn by Isildur in the Battle of Dagorlad - but Atanatar II Alcarin replaced it with a more ornate crown some 1,200 years after Isildur's death. When Eärnur, the last King of Gondor, set out to meet his fate in Minas Morgul, he left the Crown of Elendil on the tomb of his father Eärnil II, and there it remained throughout the rule of the Stewards. Nearly a thousand years passed until it was used once again in the coronation of King Aragorn Elessar.

Though the crown was known as the 'Crown of Elendil', in fact Elendil had never worn it (indeed, as High King he wore no crown at all, but instead bore the Elendilmir, a simple white jewel). The crown's name, then, was purely commemorative of Gondor's founder, and the crown had no direct connection to Elendil himself.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 September 2022
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Crown of Elendil

The royal helm of Gondor

Adopted after the Battle of Dagorlad of II 3434; replaced during the reign of Atanatar II (III 1149 - III 1226); relinquished by Eärnur III 2050; recovered for the coronation of Aragorn Elessar III 3019
The helm worn by Isildur during the Battle of Dagorlad, later replaced by the Silver Crown of Atanatar II Alcarin
Both branches of the House of Elendil
Worn by the Kings of Gondor in Osgiliath, and later in Minas Anor (Minas Tirith)
Elendil is probably pronounced 'e'lendil' (though see note 2 to the entry for Elendil)
Other names
Crown of Gondor, Winged Crown; also known as the Silver Crown or White Crown after its replacement by Atanatar II


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 September 2022
  • This entry is complete

Crown of Elendil

The royal helm of Gondor

A tall jewelled crown, fashioned with wings after the model of a Númenórean war helmet. The original Crown of Gondor had indeed been a simple helm - that worn by Isildur in the Battle of Dagorlad - but Atanatar II Alcarin replaced it with a more ornate crown some 1,200 years after Isildur's death. When Eärnur, the last King of Gondor, set out to meet his fate in Minas Morgul, he left the Crown of Elendil on the tomb of his father Eärnil II, and there it remained throughout the rule of the Stewards. Nearly a thousand years passed until it was used once again in the coronation of King Aragorn Elessar.

Though the crown was known as the 'Crown of Elendil', in fact Elendil had never worn it (indeed, as High King he wore no crown at all, but instead bore the Elendilmir, a simple white jewel). The crown's name, then, was purely commemorative of Gondor's founder, and the crown had no direct connection to Elendil himself.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 September 2022
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2009, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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