In principle, it should be straightforward to date the first mound to be raised on the Barrowfield. The first King of Rohan, Eorl, died in III 2545 and so, lacking other details, we might reasonably suppose that the first of the barrows would have been made in that year (we know that Eorl had a barrow on the field, because we're given a count of the numbers of graves).
To make things problematic, however, we also know that Edoras was not the chief city of Rohan in III 2545. Eorl in fact had his seat at Aldburg in the Folde, and we might reasonably expect him to have been entombed there, rather than on a field beneath Edoras. It was Eorl's son Brego who moved the royal seat to Edoras, so presumably Eorl's remains were disinterred and reburied at some point. This perhaps took place at the time of the raising of the Golden Hall in II 2569, or of Brego's own death the following year.