The Hill of Sight that stood on the western banks of the Anduin, above the Falls of Rauros, originally close to the borders of Gondor. It was on the slopes of Amon Hen that the Company of the Ring was broken, and from there Frodo began his lonely journey into Mordor with Sam.
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The dating evidence for the works of Men on Amon Hen is slight. Aragorn says that they were made ' the days of the great kings' (The Fellowship of the Ring II 9) but this is open to interpretation. There were many great constructions of this kind during the time when Isildur and Anárion held the joint rule of Gondor, and it is assumed here that the Seat of Amon Hen was among them. |
See also...
Amon Lhaw, Aragorn Elessar, Boromir, Carnimírië, Hill of Hearing, Hill of the Eye, Kine of Araw, Legolas Greenleaf, Lugdush, Nen Hithoel, North Stair, Oxen, Parth Galen, Seat of Amon Hen, Seat of Seeing, [See the full list...]The Voice, Tindrock Isle, Tol Brandir
About this entry:
- Updated 5 June 2014
- Updates planned: 1
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