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Married into the Bolger family
Evidently originated in the Yale; likely later removed to the Bolger folkland, which lay around Budgeford
Alfrida is pronunced 'a'freeda'
'Elf strength'2
Indexes: About this entry:
A Shire-hobbit who lived more than two hundred years before the time of the War of the Ring. Alfrida married Gundolpho Bolger, and through their three sons she became an important ancestor of the Bolger family. Alfrida's own ancestry is unclear, but the fact that she came from the Yale suggests a possible connection with the Boffins (a family well represented in that area). Alfrida's name is interesting: it contains Old English alf (that is, 'Elf'), with her full name meaning 'Elf strength'. We know that the Elves occasionally passed through the Shire near to the Yale, so - based on her name - it's conceivable that Alfrida was one of the very rare Hobbits who would spend time with the Fair Folk. Notes
See also...Gundahad Bolger, Gundahar Bolger, Gundolpho Bolger, Rudolph Bolger Indexes: About this entry:
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