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Third Tower of GondorOrthanc within IsengardAt the foundation of Gondor, the Dúnedain raised three great towers. The first two of these towers were close to their capital of Osgiliath: the cities of Minas Ithil and Minas Anor, held by Isildur and Anárion. The Third Tower was built far away on the western borders of the new land, a tower of impregnable stone set within in a rocky ring to guard the Gap of Calenardhon at the southern end of the Misty Mountains. This Third Tower stood at the site the Dúnedain called Angrenost, and held one of the four palantíri of the South-kingdom. In later years it would gain a new name: Orthanc, the tower of the Wizard Saruman within the Ring of Isengard. Indexes: About this entry:
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