The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Began as the Valar entered Arda at the beginning of the world, and continued for approximately 14,000 years1
Across the world of Arda


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

First War

The primordial conflict of Arda

The conflict waged between the Valar and Melkor in the first beginnings of Arda, before the world was fully formed or living things had come into being. The Valar wished to create an ordered and peaceful realm, but Melkor sought mastery of the new world for himself. Thus the two forces battled across aeons, though little is recorded of this war fought in a time long before Elves or Men had awakened.

For much of this long war, Melkor held the advantage, bringing chaos and destruction where the Valar had intended harmony and symmetry. After thousands of years of warfare, however, the balance of the struggle changed in favour of the Valar. They were joined by a new Power, Tulkas, with whose aid they were able to force Melkor to flee out of Arda and into the Void. The First War had been fought in darkness, but after Melkor's defeat the world was illuminated by the Lamps of the Valar, and the first living things began to awaken. The Valar had peace for a brief time, settling on the island of Almaren until Melkor's sudden return brought destruction and chaos once more.

In this onslaught, Melkor broke the great Lamps that shone down on the world, and caused the Valar to abandon their island dwelling in Middle-earth. Instead they travelled into the distant West, and closed themselves off behind an impenetrable Mountain Wall. This was the shape of things for many years afterward.2 The Valar dwelt in their new land of Valinor in the West beyond the Great Sea, while Melkor ruled across Middle-earth from his dark northern fortress of Utumno. It was not until the time of the awakening of the first Elves that the Valar once again gave thought to Middle-earth, and a new war erupted, known as the War of the Powers.



According to the Annals of Aman in volume X of The History of Middle-earth, the First War began the moment the Valar entered Arda, and continued for some 1,500 Valian Years until Tulkas changed the balance of power and brought the conflict to an end. In modern terms, then, the First War lasted more than 14,000 solar years.


Following The Annals of Aman (ibid), the period between the end of the First War and the beginning of the War of the Powers was one of 1,090 Valian Years, so the effective stalemate between the Valar and Melkor in this period lasted for about 10,400 solar years.


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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First War

The primordial conflict of Arda

Began as the Valar entered Arda at the beginning of the world, and continued for approximately 14,000 years1
Across the world of Arda


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

First War

The primordial conflict of Arda

The conflict waged between the Valar and Melkor in the first beginnings of Arda, before the world was fully formed or living things had come into being. The Valar wished to create an ordered and peaceful realm, but Melkor sought mastery of the new world for himself. Thus the two forces battled across aeons, though little is recorded of this war fought in a time long before Elves or Men had awakened.

For much of this long war, Melkor held the advantage, bringing chaos and destruction where the Valar had intended harmony and symmetry. After thousands of years of warfare, however, the balance of the struggle changed in favour of the Valar. They were joined by a new Power, Tulkas, with whose aid they were able to force Melkor to flee out of Arda and into the Void. The First War had been fought in darkness, but after Melkor's defeat the world was illuminated by the Lamps of the Valar, and the first living things began to awaken. The Valar had peace for a brief time, settling on the island of Almaren until Melkor's sudden return brought destruction and chaos once more.

In this onslaught, Melkor broke the great Lamps that shone down on the world, and caused the Valar to abandon their island dwelling in Middle-earth. Instead they travelled into the distant West, and closed themselves off behind an impenetrable Mountain Wall. This was the shape of things for many years afterward.2 The Valar dwelt in their new land of Valinor in the West beyond the Great Sea, while Melkor ruled across Middle-earth from his dark northern fortress of Utumno. It was not until the time of the awakening of the first Elves that the Valar once again gave thought to Middle-earth, and a new war erupted, known as the War of the Powers.



According to the Annals of Aman in volume X of The History of Middle-earth, the First War began the moment the Valar entered Arda, and continued for some 1,500 Valian Years until Tulkas changed the balance of power and brought the conflict to an end. In modern terms, then, the First War lasted more than 14,000 solar years.


Following The Annals of Aman (ibid), the period between the end of the First War and the beginning of the War of the Powers was one of 1,090 Valian Years, so the effective stalemate between the Valar and Melkor in this period lasted for about 10,400 solar years.


About this entry:

  • Updated 27 August 2022
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2010, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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