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Indexes: About this entry:
Echad i SedrynThe Camp of the FaithfulWhen Túrin and his outlaw band first settled in Mîm's home within Amon Rûdh, they were simply seeking shelter for themselves. After Beleg joined Túrin there, the band began to grow, and ultimately a new land grew up in defiance of Morgoth and his Orcs: Dor-Cúarthol, the Land of Bow and Helm. All around the hill of Amon Rûdh, new forts and camps sprang up to hold those joining Túrin and Beleg, but Amon Rûdh itself was still held only by the original band who had settled there. After the emergence of Dor-Cúarthol, Túrin's concealed settlement on the hill was given a new name: Echad i Sedryn, the Camp of the Faithful. See also...Bar-erib, Camp of the Faithful, End of the Wood, Old Company, The Company, The Echad Indexes: About this entry:
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