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OTS 44

Chamæleon I 27, Cha I 27

Proper NameNone
Bayer DesignationNone
Flamsteed NumberNone
HR (BSC)None
Other DesignationsOTS 44, Cha I 27
Right Ascension11h 10m 9s
Declination-76° 32' 18"
Distance554 light years
170 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +14.61
Absolute: +7.95
Spectral ClassM9.5 probable brown dwarf
Optimum VisibilityMarch (Usually visible from southern latitudes)
NotesOTS 44 is an object within the star-forming region known as Chamæleon I, with approximately twelve times the mass of Jupiter. Its nature has not been definitively established; it is probably a brown dwarf, but might conceiably be a particularly massive rogue extrasolar planet.

This infrared view shows objects within the stellar nursery of Chamæleon I, with OTS 44 being a tiny, faint object by comparison with the numerous brighter surrounding stars. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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