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Gliese 887

Lacaille 9352, LHS 70, HD 217987

Proper NameNone
Bayer DesignationNone
Flamsteed NumberNone
HR (BSC)None
Other DesignationsGliese 887, Lacaille 9352, LHS 70
ConstellationPiscis Austrinus
Right Ascension23h 5m 52s
Declination-35° 51' 11"
Distance10.7 light years
3.3 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +7.36
Absolute: +9.78
Spectral ClassM2V red dwarf
Planets in this system Gliese 887 b, super Earth
Gliese 887 c, super Earth
Gliese 887 d, unconfirmed extrasolar planet
Optimum VisibilitySeptember

As is common for near-neighbours of the Sun, Gliese 887 shows a rapid proper motion relative to its more distant background stars. The blue and red markers in this image show the star's location at different points in time as it moves eastward across the sky. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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