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Bake Eo, Gamma Ophiuchi, 62 Ophiuchi

Proper NamesBake-eo, Bake Eo
Bayer DesignationGamma Ophiuchi
Flamsteed Number62 Ophiuchi
HR (BSC)6629
Right Ascension17h 47m 54s
Declination+2° 42' 26"
Distance103 light years
32 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +3.8
Absolute: +1.3
Spectral ClassA0Vnp white main sequence star
Optimum VisibilityJune / July

Some twenty light years beyond the orange giant Cebalrai lies a much less massive white star, Bake-eo or Gamma Ophiuchi. It lies a little to the south of its brighter orange neighbour in the sky, in the band of the Milky Way as it passes through Ophiuchus.


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