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Alnair, Al Nair al Batn, Zeta Centauri

Proper NamesLeepwal, Alnair, Al Nair al Batn
Bayer DesignationZeta Centauri
Flamsteed NumberNone
HR (BSC)5231
Right Ascension13h 55m 32s
Declination-47° 17' 18"
Distance382 light years
117 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +2.5
Absolute: -2.8
Spectral ClassB2.5IV blue subgiant
Optimum VisibilityMay (Usually visible from southern latitudes)
NotesThe proper name recognised by the IAU for this star is Leepwal, a name it takes from the legends of the Marshall Islands. Zeta Centauri also shares the common name Alnair (meaning 'the bright') with another unrelated star, Alpha Gruis. Physically, both these stars are blue subgiants: Zeta Centauri is the larger and more luminous of the two, but its great distance means that it shines less brightly in the skies of Earth.


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