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Jupiter X

Proper NameLysithea
DesignationJupiter X
Primary PlanetJupiter
Family / ClassHimalia group
Orbital Period259 days, 23 hours
Distance from JupiterSemi-Major Axis: 11,717,000 km (0.08 AU)
Periapsis: 10,357,000 km (0.07 AU)
Apoapsis: 13,077,000 km (0.09 AU)
Rotation PeriodNot known
Mean Diameter36 km
22 miles

One of a group of small moons, also including Himalia, Leda and Elara, that orbit Jupiter far beyond the four large Galilean moons. Like the other moons in this group, Lysithea's orbit carries it around Jupiter at a distance of more than eleven million kilometres. With a diameter of just thirty-six kilometres, Lysithea is one of the smallest of its particular group of satellites - Himalia, by comparison, has a diameter more than five times greater.


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