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NGC 5333

Proper NameNone
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNGC 5333
Right Ascension13h 54m 24s
Declination-48° 30' 45"
Distancec.112,400,000 light years
c.34,500,000 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +11.76
Absolute: -20.93
Mean DiameterApparent: 2.2'
Actual: 71,900 light years
Hubble TypeS0 lenticular
Optimum VisibilityMay (Usually visible from southern latitudes)

The apparently bright star to the east of NGC 5333 in this image is the eighth-magnitude red giant HD 121119. While distant from the Solar System at some 2,500 light years, this star is nonetheless within the Milky Way, and in the extreme foreground by comparison with the distant galaxy NGC 5333, some 45,000 times farther away. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas
