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NGC 2192

Melotte 42, Mel 42

Proper NameNone
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNGC 2192
Other DesignationsMelotte 42
Right Ascension6h 15m 17s
Declination+39° 50' 46"
Distancec.11,400 light years
c.3,500 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +10.89
Absolute: -1.81
DiameterApparent: 5'
Actual: 16 light years
Number of Starsc. 200
Optimum VisibilityJanuary

The bright star in the north centre of this image is the eighth-magnitude HD 42903. That star is a red giant nearly two thousand light years from the Sun, but even that is only a fraction of the distance (estimated at some 11,400 light years) to the star cluster NGC 2192 beyond. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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