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Kepler-152 b

KOI-416 b, KOI-416.01, KIC 6508221 b, KIC 6508221.01

Proper NameNone
DesignationsKepler-152 b, KOI-416 b, KOI-416.01, KIC 6508221 b, KIC 6508221.01
ClassificationEarth-mass planet
Orbital Period18 days, 5 hours
Mean Distance from Kepler-15220.3 million km
0.14 AU
MassNot known
Diameter2.79 x Earth
TemperatureNot known
Parent starKepler-152, orange dwarf in Lyra
Other planets in this systemKepler-152 c, Earth-mass planet
KOI-416.03, unconfirmed exoplanet
KOI-416.04, unconfirmed exoplanet
NotesThough formally designated an Earth-mass planet, Kepler-152 b has nearly three times the diameter of Earth. It follows a very close orbit around the star Kepler-152, orbiting considerably nearer its star than Mercury's distance from the Sun.
